Essays on arts and culture from around Michigan and around the world
The Good Paranoia: Notes on Jessica Jones
Autotheory as Rebellion: On Research, Embodiment, and Imagination in Creative Nonfiction
“A New Yorker from Canaguey”: Notes on Emilio Sánchez, MQR’s Summer 2019 Cover Artist
The Ten Stages of Selling Your Debut Novel at the Bookstore Where You Work
Abundant Life: An Interview with Detroit Painter Darius Baber
Wolverine Press + Michigan Quarterly Review: A Letterpress Partnership
Finding Hope Amidst an Uncertain Economy: MQR Spring 2019 Cover Artist Mehdi Ghadyanloo at the 2019 World Economic Forum
Against the Triumph of the Mediocre: Matmos’s “Plastic Anniversary”
NOS (disorder, not otherwise specified): A Review and an Interview with Aby Kaupang and Matthew Cooperman
The Pride of the Prairie: How America Went Wrong
Baba and the Pontiac
“On Dignity,” by DeWitt Henry
Diasporic Intimacies: On Reading “Go Home!”
Remembrance, Indignation, Confrontation: The Art of Demian DinéYazhí
More Life: On Contemporary Autofiction and the Scourge of “Relatability”
The Word for Water
“Mystery Date,” by Meriwether Clarke
Mouth! King Mouth! Understanding Foreign Affairs in the Age of Trump via “War Music”
Who Is Billie Nardozzi a.k.a (((Rachel)))?
Moola: On Tallies, Ledgers, and Keeping Score