Essays on arts and culture from around Michigan and around the world
Dispatches: The Disbelief of Suspension
Dispatches: Brussels
Dispatches: Detroit & Flint
Dispatches: New York & Iran
The Long Walk with Giant Boy Away from Drought
(Not) Content Not Curated
Where are the POC in Holiday Films?
Composition of a Fall
Looking for Germany
Island; I-land: Eye-Land: Caliban on Sugar Island
Worldplay: Gennady Aygi’s Love Letter to the Russian Avant-Garde
Reeling-Healing: A Conversation with Teresa Fellion
Inner Rivers
Dispatches From Lesvos
Found Fairy Tales: On the Art of Joanna Concejo
Formidable Adaptation
Three Postcards From Around the World: Travel Narratives from the MQR Readers
Carrying Ourselves Across: The Art of Self-Translation, a Community Partnership between 826michigan and the Michigan Quarterly Review
A Brick House for Books: Lillian Li on Writing with the Youth of the Neutral Zone