Book Reviews
MQR staff and contributors provide insight into recent publications in the literary arts and humanities.
Letting and Letting Go: Mask for Mask by JD Scott (New Rivers Press)
The Polarities of a Black Boy: a review of Cortney Lamar Charleston’s Dopplegangbanger
Mirrors and Portals: Sam Cohen’s Sarahland
Exhaust the Little Moment: A Review of Roberto Carlos Garcia’s [Elegies]
The Wry Humor of Insomnia 11 by Michael C. Keith
Living Against Unlivability: A Review of A History of My Brief Body by Billy-Ray Belcourt
Wit and Wisdom: Dora Malech’s Balancing Act Flourish
Familiarity and the Narrative Ledge: A Review of I Live in the Slums, a New Collection by Can Xue
Graphic Review: A Theory of Birds by Zaina Alsous
Breaking Glass, Breaking Silence: A Review of The Voice of Sheila Chandra
A Horrendous Day in the Neighborhood: A Review of Bound in the Bond of Life, Pittsburgh Writers Reflect on the Tree of Life Tragedy
Dangerously Close to Living: A Review of Ghost Of by Diana Khoi Nguyen
Proud to be Un-American
An Inventory of Losses, by Judith Schalansky (New Directions) trans. Jackie Smith
War Will Take, Love Will Bury: A Review of Music for the Dead and Resurrected by Valzhyna Mort
Witnessing the Unwitnessable: On Be Holding by Ross Gay
Devil’s Lake: Finding Self at the World’s End
Same story, different day: The perpetuation of discrimination in Conditional Citizens
Living and Writing, in Wonder : A review of Aimee Nezhukumatathil’s World of Wonders: In Praise of Fireflies, Whale Sharks, and Other Astonishments
Time in the World: A Review of Luster by Raven Leilani