Book Reviews
MQR staff and contributors provide insight into recent publications in the literary arts and humanities.
Rounding Out Robert Frost
Bodies, Demons, Desires: A Review of “Her Body and Other Parties”
Required Reading: Dan Beachy-Quick’s “Of Silence and Song”
A Bird on Fire, Stuffed Inside Another Normal-Looking Bird: Meg Freitag’s “Edith”
Four Pheasants for Your Silence: A Review of Marcel Proust’s “Letters to His Neighbor”
Sweetmeats to Cure: Lionel Ziprin’s “Songs for Schizoid Siblings”
Loving the Good and No-Good Bones of It: A Review of Maggie Smith’s “Good Bones”
A Review of Carol Smallwood’s “In Hubble’s Shadow”
A Joke That Hits You Later: A Review of Natalie Shapero’s “Hard Child”
On “All The Lives I Want”: An Interview with Alana Massey
A Craft Review of Books: First Picks of 2016
The Spectral and the Speculative in Richard McGuire’s “Here”
Counternarratives: The Power of Narrative
Poems (1962–1997), by Robert Lax
Dreaming Evacuation: A Review of “Wunderkammer,” by Cynthia Cruz
“The Collective,” Divided: A Review
However Obliquely: Georges Perec’s “La Disparition”
A Man and an Epigram Walk Into a Bar: A Review of Thomas Farber’s “The End of My Wits”