Viet Nam: Beyond the Frame: Vol. II
Edited by Rebekah Linh Collins
Nonfiction: Eric Henry‘s “Notes Toward a Social History of Vietnamese Music in the Twentieth Century”; Nora A. Taylor‘s “Why Have There Been No Great Vietnamese Artists?”; Wayne Karlin‘s meditation on the Vietnam War; shorter pieces by Tom Nawrocki and Alex Wood; Andrew Wells-Dang in “Shifting Wall, Shifting Outlooks” surveys the past and present of the city as crystallized in the way a house changes hands and changes identity like the city around it; valuable archival work, “We Interview Mr. Vu Trong Phung” from a Vietnamese newspaper of 1937, translated by Peter Zinoman, provides invaluable information about the craft and intentions of the classic author of novels such as The Storm, To Be a Whore, and the recently translated Dumb Luck; Duong Bich Hanh analyzes the appeal of pho, a special kind of Vietnamese soup depicted on the cover of the issue.
Reviews: Quang Phu Van, Boreth Ly, and Christian Langworthy enhance the range of the issue.
Fiction: new work by Ly Lan, Le Minh Khue, Doan Le, Viet Dinh, Dennis Kistler, Ben Tran, Nguyen Viet Ha, and Lee Minh McGuire.
Poetry: John Balaban, W. D. Ehrhart, Walt McDonald, Jilly Dybka, Barbara Tran, Lam Thi My Da, Bruce Weigl, Preston H. Hood III, Bao Phi, and Catherine K.H.N. Magia.
Together with Part 1 (Fall 2004), this special issue offers the richest assortment of writings about Vietnam ever assembled in an academic journal. Some 450 pages altogether offer an unprecedented range of literary and discursive works about Viet Nam past and present.
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