MQR staff and contributors engage in conversations with writers and thinkers from around the world.
War Will Take, Love Will Bury: A Review of Music for the Dead and Resurrected by Valzhyna Mort
The Privacy of Magic: An Interview with Tea Obreht
The City Vs. MLK
Tithe of the Assassins
On Soul
THE EARTH IS FOREVER GOOEY: a conversation with Jenny Zhang
Mark Nowak on Why We Write
Patterns and Breaking: A Conversation with Eduardo Corral
Devil Always Thought Pelagius Was a Second-Rate Christian
Pain Log #2
Stories Worth Telling: An Interview with Megha Majumdar
Witnessing the Unwitnessable: On Be Holding by Ross Gay
Hold Your Mud
A Rot of Evidence: A Journal of Reading and Writing in Prison
Flip It And Reverse It: An Interview With Amy Sara Carroll
Ode to Maria Barbosa
Mom vs. the Cholas
Reading Mexican and Guatemalan Literatures in Translation: A Conversation Between Dr. Paul M. Worley and Dr. Rita M. Palacios
After My Honeymoon
“After My Honeymoon” – Author’s Note
Prison Theatre and the High Stakes of Performance: Andrew Martinez in Conversation with Ashley Lucas
On Account of Getting His Leg Broke by New York City
Making a Community Safer: Courtney Wise Randolph and Heather Ann Thompson