Essays on arts and culture from around Michigan and around the world
Great Stuff, Cheers: Flannery O’Connor and I Read Marcel Proust
On the Creation of Other Worlds: A Response to “Against Leaving Him” by Christine Rhein
Listen Along: a Story of Divorce as Told by the Mountain Goats
In Tanzania
Petty Materialism: On Metaphor & Violence
On Soul
Threads pulled though: University of Michigan 1960-1964 to Now
A Way Out of No Way: Music and Way-Finding in the Re-Issue of Wesley Brown’s Tragic Magic
Face Like a Watermelon Seed: Black Women and Chinese Beauty Standards
Bus Drivers and Fire Walkers: A Conversation between Niloufar Talebi and Amir Ahmadi Arian
Diamonds and Squares
The Flâneur in Konya
Everyone On Screen Has Tested Negative: On Enjoying Basketball in 2020
Some Notes on Galway Kinnell’s “Burning the Brush Pile”
Worldbuilding and Meditative Speculation through Solange and Civilization
Prelude to the Pink Book Lectures
The Last “Water Carrier”
Dispatches: The One Missing
Dispatches: Lockdown in Marseille
Dispatches: Mythologies