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Cover of solange's 2019 LP "When I Get Home"

Worldbuilding and Meditative Speculation through Solange and Civilization

There’s a world for me to build. I have a chance to do something, even ever so slightly, different from that which is considered known. The outpost, the biological structure, the act of construction and capacity to destruct— worldbuilding, the invocation of something just to the left of the form, becomes an illusory practice.”

Worldbuilding and Meditative Speculation through Solange and Civilization Read More »

The Question is the Answer: The Soft Pink Truth’s Shall We Go On Sinning So That Grace May Increase?

Shall We Go On Sinning So That Grace May Increase is not a record to bob’s one head to, despite its occasionally head-bobbing moments. It is a record to contemplate, to be experienced, to envelop; it is a record to be played in response to and as a guard against the worst the world has to offer. It is very beautiful.

The Question is the Answer: The Soft Pink Truth’s Shall We Go On Sinning So That Grace May Increase? Read More »