While MQR is sad to say goodbye to the always-excellent Jonathan Freedman and Keith Taylor this year, we are pleased to announce the following additions to our editorial team:

Our new Editor is Khaled Mattawa. Khaled is the author of four books of poetry, Tocqueville (New Issues Press, 2010), Amorisco (Ausable Press, 2008), Zodiac of Echoes (Ausable Press, 2003), and Ismailia Eclipse (Sheep Meadow Press, 1996). He is also the author of Mahmoud Darwish: The Poet’s Art and His Nation, a critical study of the great Palestinian poet Mahmoud Darwish, published by Syracuse University Press. He has translated nine books of contemporary Arabic poetry by Adonis, Saadi Youssef, Fadhil Al-Azzawi, Hatif Janabi, Maram Al-Massri, Joumana Haddad, Amjad Nasser, and Iman Mersal. Mattawa has co-edited two anthologies of Arab American literature. He has been awarded the Academy of American Poet’s Fellowship Prize, the PEN-American Center award for poetry translation, a Guggenheim fellowship, the Alfred Hodder fellowship from Princeton University, an NEA translation grant, and three Pushcart prizes. His poems have appeared in Poetry, The Kenyon Review, Antioch Review, Best American Poetry, and many other journals and anthologies. Mattawa was born in Benghazi, Libya and immigrated to the United States in his teens.

Our new Poetry Editor is Katie Willingham. Katie is the author of Unlikely Designs (University of Chicago Press, 2017). She earned her MFA from the Helen Zell Writer’s Program, where she was the recipient of a Hopwood Award in Poetry, a Theodore Roethke Prize, and a Nicholas Delbanco Thesis Prize. You can find her poems in such journals as Kenyon Review, Bennington Review, Poem-A-Day, Third Coast, West Branch, Grist, and others. She has taught both composition and creative writing at the University of Michigan. She lives in Brooklyn, NY.
Our new Managing Editor is Bryce Hayes Pope. Bryce is a Helen Zell Postgraduate Fellow at the University of Michigan. She recently earned her MFA in Fiction from the University of Michigan, where she was a Graduate Student Instructor, teaching Introduction to Creative Writing and Composition. Prior to that, she worked in development and donor relations at PEN America and volunteered at MoMA in New York City. Before her foray into the literary hemisphere, she worked as a small-business manager, PR and communications representative, and event coordinator. Born and raised in New York, Bryce is currently at work on a novel, The Allowances.

Our new Fiction Editor is Polly Rosenwaike. Polly’s story collection, Look How Happy I’m Making You, is forthcoming from Doubleday in 2019. Her stories have appeared in the O. Henry Prize Stories, Glimmer Train, Colorado Review, New England Review, Copper Nickel, and Indiana Review. She has published book reviews and essays in the San Francisco Chronicle, The New York Times Book Review, The Millions, and The Brooklyn Rail. She teaches creative writing at Eastern Michigan University and works as a freelance editor.
Stay tuned for special issues this year dedicated to Poetry in Michigan (MQR 57:2 – Winter 2018) and Caregiving (MQR 57:4 – Fall 2018).
Image: Botero, Fernando. “Dancing in Colombia.” 1980. Oil on canvas. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.