MQR staff and contributors engage in conversations with writers and thinkers from around the world.
Losing Language to Find It: An Interview with Kaveh Akbar
Los Angeles Intifada
“Language is Evidence”: An Interview with Justin Rovillos Monson
Threads pulled though: University of Michigan 1960-1964 to Now
A Way Out of No Way: Music and Way-Finding in the Re-Issue of Wesley Brown’s Tragic Magic
An Excerpt from Tragic Magic
Thinking Through Necessary Means: Interview with Wesley Brown and Ryan Matthews
Foreword: A Requiem For Suffering
Meet Our Contributors: Issue 59:4 Fall 2020
MQR Issue 59:4, Fall 2020
Devil’s Lake: Finding Self at the World’s End
Auguries of Heavy Weather
Face Like a Watermelon Seed: Black Women and Chinese Beauty Standards
Language and Myth: Carmen Bugan interviews Wallis Wilde-Menozzi
Join us for a Virtual Event with Dwayne Betts
Bending Lyric into Song: The Olive Trees’ Jazz and Other Poems by Samira Negrouche, translated by Marilyn Hacker
Apocalyptic Love Song
Bus Drivers and Fire Walkers: A Conversation between Niloufar Talebi and Amir Ahmadi Arian
Same story, different day: The perpetuation of discrimination in Conditional Citizens
Living and Writing, in Wonder : A review of Aimee Nezhukumatathil’s World of Wonders: In Praise of Fireflies, Whale Sharks, and Other Astonishments
Diamonds and Squares
Two Truths, One Lie
Self Portraiture
Winged Victory of Samothrace
The Flâneur in Konya