Michigan Quarterly Review is an interdisciplinary and international literary journal, combining distinctive voices in poetry, fiction, and nonfiction, as well as works in translation.

Current Issue: 60:3
Announcing the release of MQR 60:3, Our Summer Fiction Issue.
Cover art by Eduardo Paolozzi, courtesy of UMMA and Diane Kirkpatrick
New At MQR Online
Recent Web Exclusives from the Michigan Quarterly Review
The Necessity of Community: An Interview with Alise Alousi
People of MQR: A Q&A with Aaron J. Stone
Letting and Letting Go: Mask for Mask by JD Scott (New Rivers Press)
Politics as Central: An Interview with Keith Taylor
Unlocking Our Imaginations: An Interview with Petra Kuppers
Becoming Porous: An Interview with Kathleen Graber

About MQR
Michigan Quarterly Review, founded in 1962, is an interdisciplinary and international literary journal, combining distinctive voices in poetry, fiction, and nonfiction, as well as works in translation. The flagship literary journal of the University of Michigan, our magazine embraces creative urgency and cultural relevance, aiming to challenge conventions and address long-overdue conversations. As we continue to promote an expansive and inclusive vision, we seek work from established and emerging writers with diverse aesthetics and experiences.