Arts & Culture

Cover of Sandman 50 and Palestine graphic novels

The Middle East through Graphic Novels

* Kaveh Bassiri *

I was surprised by the number and quality of the different works, as well as how often these books could be used as teaching tools. The Middle East, with its mythic and socio-political significance, has become a great source of inspiration for many important graphic novelists. The Middle East, with its mythic and socio-political significance, has become a great source of inspiration for many important graphic novelists.

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No Man’s Land: Robert Altman’s 3 Women

* Mary Camille Beckman *
What value does the culture place on this “girl-woman transition” that it won’t name the people going through it? Robert Altman’s film 3 Women (1977) doesn’t quite answer this question. It does, however, dramatize its premise: the problem of inhabiting an unnamed space. And it does so by launching two of its three title characters—Millie Lammoreaux (Shelley Duvall) and Pinky Rose (Sissy Spacek)—into that girl-woman no man’s land. The dramatic tension that arises propels 3 Women forward.

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Out in the Middle of Somewhere

* Kevin Haworth *

I had started driving at six-thirty that morning, heading from my home in Appalachian Ohio to the central part of Iowa. Once I escaped Columbus’s orbit (and its early morning traffic), the roads became so straight I steered with a single finger on the wheel. With cruise control and well-balanced tires, driving through the middle states is an act requiring little intervention. Miles passed under the car like loose thoughts. Every time I blinked, another half-hour had gone by.

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When the Ordinary Becomes Extraordinary

* Kaveh Bassiri *

“The most disgusting film I ever made.”
Rainer Werner Fassbinder on Why Does Herr R. Run Amok?

When I was an undergrad at Santa Clara University, I took buses to San Francisco to see foreign movies. I remember rushing into a double-bill of Rainer Werner Fassbinder films. During the first movie, Why Does Herr R. Run Amok? (1970), I had to go to bathroom. I thought nothing important is going to happen, so I went.

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