MQR 2019 Call for Submissions, in front of an open sign

MQR is Open for Submissions!


Our readers are ready: Submissions open today, August 1st, and extend through December. Send us your work.

We will be reading for General Submissions, for our Special Issue on Water, “Not One Without,” and for MQR Online.

“Thousands have lived without love; not one without water.”

In the spirit of W.H. Auden’s words, this forthcoming special issue of the Michigan Quarterly Review will explore urgent, complex, and revelatory writing on water from around the world. “Not One Without: A Special Issue on Water” will explore the paradoxes of water, how at once it gives life and takes it; how it divides us along cruel lines of inequality even as it binds us. Water connects us, and our planet, to our origins and to an indivisible fate.

You can submit your best Poetry, Fiction, and Essays, here.

And remember, MQR is a paying market.