We bid farewell and offer our appreciation to Ashley David for her four and a half years of outstanding commitment and excellent service to Michigan Quarterly Review. As the Founding Blog Editor from 2010-2014, she developed the vision and the model to bring a diverse roster of globally dispersed voices into the MQR mix on a weekly basis. As the Online Producer from 2013-2014, she authored the strategy and paved the way for an online version of the print journal and for a new MQR website that will include online submissions. Through her dedicated efforts—via the blog, the website, and social media—the MQR community and conversation have expanded dramatically. In the words of one of our contributors, Ashley’s vision and online efforts have helped “anchor MQR firmly in the 21st century.” MQR wishes her well and hopes you’ll continue to enjoy her blog posts.
Image: “Bridge Across the Oconee River, Athens, Georgia” by Michael Rivera (CC BY-SA 3.0), via Wikimedia Commons.